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Wheel/Rail Interaction

Protected: Assessing the Findings of a Derailment Investigation: Was the Right Cause Found?

Rail Grinding and Milling: How They Work, Where They Work
by Jeff Tuzik Rail grinding is a well-established maintenance practice with multiple preventive and corrective applications. Rail milling is a more recent (introduced roughly 25 years ago) addition to the rail maintenance toolkit but although it’s use in North America has been limited thus far, it is widely used in …

Wheel/Rail Profile Optimization on Wiener Linien’s Vienna Underground line U6
by Jeff Tuzik One of the surest and most common signs that something is amiss at the wheel/rail interface is accelerated wear of the wheels, rail, or both. Occasionally the solution to the problem is straight-forward and site-specific. But more often, abnormal wear appears as a symptom of fundamental, systemic …

Examining the Role of Wheel/Rail Interaction in a Unit Train Derailment
by Jeff Tuzik Derailments happen. The minor ones cause damage and disruption; the big ones make the news. While there are derailments attributed to a single vehicle or track cause, often, the cause is the result of a combination of vehicle- and track-related contributing factors, underscoring that vehicle/track interaction is a …

Friction Management: Implementation and State of Good Repair
By Jeff Tuzik This article originally appeared in the July/August issue of Mass Transit. Friction management is a well-established technology in the rail transit industry. Its significance is such that it is considered one of the five pillars of wheel/rail interface management Davey Mitchell, Commercial Manager of Friction Modifier at …

Stuart Grassie is the recipient of Wheel Rail Seminars’ 2024 Worth Award
by Jeff Tuzik Stuart Grassie, Principal, Rail Measurement Ltd and Stuart Grassie Engineering Ltd, is the recipient of the 2024 Worth Award. The award, presented by Wheel Rail Seminars at the annual Wheel/Rail Interaction conference in May, is named for Art Worth, who was Manager of Standards and retired as …

New Approaches to Dynamic Wheel Force Measurement – Part 2
by Jeff Tuzik Part 1 of this article focused on past and present research into wheel condition and behavior monitoring via wayside-based continuous measurement systems. Using an overlapping combination of strain gauges and load cells, such systems can measure a wide range of dynamic wheel forces, and parameters like wheel …

New Approaches to Dynamic Wheel Force Measurement – Part 1
by Jeff Tuzik The mechanics of wheel/rail interaction are in many ways at the core of railroading and the defining characteristic of how a train gets from here to there. Because rail typically represents a railroad’s largest financial asset, track-related issues are often front and center, even when it comes …

Mitigating Rolling Contact Fatigue: An Overview for 2023
by Jeff Tuzik Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) affects railroads and transit systems globally. The effects of RCF damage range from poor ride quality and excessive noise, to shelling and spalling so deep and widespread that rail sections must be replaced. Over time, the railroad and transit industries have developed tools …